Friday, February 7, 2020

A walk in the park

It's been a while since I posted something and lots have happened.  I have had to go back to ophthalmologist 3 times now and Monday 17 Feb will be the last time as my eye is all better, thank you. On Feb 2,  I decided to take a walk to the public library.  On the way, I walked through a lovely park, well it would be lovely in summer, I guess, once all the trees have leaves and the flowers are out. I love to read but Louisa gave me the idea of joining up to see what's on offer to get to know people. So far I haven't looked at the brochure I took on all the activities.  Uber is just so pricey and so I need to look out for things within walking distance.

So you could actually go improve your putting skills in this park.  In SA all those balls and everything else would be missing in action, :-).

In our search for good coffee, we landed up at Scuppernong Books.  It's like our Exclusive books with Seatle Coffee shop all in one. We won't be back.  Then we walked about on Elm Street and discovered Cheesecakes by Alex.  The coffee was undrinkably hot but was quite nice once it had cooled down.  I couldn't choose a cheesecake as there were far too many to choose from and all baked, so I went for the coconut tarts.

My personal trainer is happy that my arm is showing improvement every time we get together.  We meet every Tues and Thurs.  I'm supposed to do my own exercises during our meets but some days it happens 3 times and others, none.

On Wednesday 4 Feb, I got a new guitar but then I forgot I need non-slip mats on my legs else it slips down on my leg.  It's rather difficult to play like that so now I first need to go search for non-slip cloth.  I'm hoping Target will have.  I really need to go to Target for a sports bra.  Poor Preston, the personal trainer, will be knocked unconscious one of these days with my hooters.

It's been raining hard the last couple of days with a tornado warning yesterday, so I haven't ventured forth much.  Last night we went to Raaz Indian Restaurant again for our curry fix and we had to walk home in the rain.  We'd not taken our umbrellas so we were kinda soaked.

John's studies are going really well.  He's getting 100% for his tests.  Over here you need to get 91% for an A. I had to quiz him on his listening test before and he actually got 110% as the lecturer threw in 2 items that were not on the list for extra marks.