Saturday, May 9, 2020

Bits and bobs

We were hoping to do Stations of the cross on the Fridays of Lent but the virus had other plans so that fell flat. Then we hoped to be able to go to mass Easter Sunday but that also didn't happen due to the virus.  Very strange feeling to be in a foreign country and the one thing that is universal, the mass, is no longer available.  At least we got a surprise Easter basket at the Caf when we went to get dinner and breakfast.  You pay $5 per meal and you get it between 4pm and 6pm.  It used to be a warm dinner, but they found people preferred warming it up when they were ready to eat it, so all entrees are cold.  You can take 10 items if you order dinner and breakfast that consists of one entree, one breakfast which is either a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit (a lot like our scones) or a ham, egg and cheese croissant, which I preferred.  Lately, the biscuits have been like rocks. Then you add things like chips, nuts, muffins, desserts and drinks to make up the 10 items.

Our Easter basket filled with goodies.

So I decided to cook for Easter Sunday but first had to do my first online order from Harris Teeter, our preferred grocery store. That went quite smoothly and as it was my first, the delivery charge was waived.  I made 'ouvrou onder die kombers', mince meat balls in cabbage leaves but I first braised some steak with onions and when it was nice and brown, packed the stuffed cabbage leaves on top.  It turned out very yummylicious. I also cooked some Irish stew and I'd bought some beetroot.  John got his yellow rice with raisins.  I didn't have tumeric but found some curry powder in the communal kitchen and used that.  We ate on these two meals for days as I froze the leftovers.  Warmed up they were even tastier. I made microwave sago pudding for dessert. 
Lunch plate.

Sago pudding for dessert.

We try and walk a bit every day for exercise because even though we bought an exercise ball, we hardly use it.  So this one day we decided to walk in a different direction and discovered this meandering river with a nice bench to sit on.  Saw some ducks and just sat and enjoyed the scenery.  Everything is so green and it was quite peaceful at the river.  We've been back once since.  Now we need to be careful of the killer hornets as we actually had one in our apartment that John had to get rid of with a towel while I stood outside.  These hornets' sting is apparently lethal.  This happened before we even knew anything about them.  It's huge and I should have taken a photo of it but didn't know what it was at the time.  I just thought "wow, even the bugs are big in USA," lol.

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