Friday, January 24, 2020

Uninvited guests

Shopping day but first John has to be at orientation again from 10 so we agreed to meet at 12 or so to take the bus to Friendly Centre where he has to open a bank account.  Then from there we'll Uber to Target, Walmart and Indu Indian shop.  I crave roti and curry so badly.  It's quite difficult to find fresh produce at local convenience stores.  You have to visit supermarkets which are all not withing walking distance. We've spent a small fortune on uber already.  More on the shopping spree later.

About 2 days ago I saw a small cockroach in the sink area and told Nasim who said if I should see another, he would organize fumigation.  So I saw another bigger one in the bath last night and let him know so fumigation will happen today at 16h00.  I hope we don't come home to some awful smells again.

Our place is looking kind of homey now but we don't spend much time here.  Once John's classes start I guess I would spend more time here cooking and cleaning. We were promised lovely warm weather come March and I can't wait.  It's freezing cold here and even though I had brought all my Winter clothes, it's not the same kind of cold as in South Africa so most of my clothes would be too warm for inside as the aircon is on in every building.  You need to dress warm enough for outside but then not die of heatstroke when inside or while walking.

I forgot that on Tuesday we also went to the UNCG gym.  It's free for John but I had to join on his membership so that I could get my arm strength back after the operation.  It was cheaper to do it this way than to see a physiotherapist which we heard was quite pricey here.